18.5" Minnie Rose Pick - Pink/White
Unit Weight 0.06 lb
Quantity Available 13
Unit Weight 0.06 lb
Quantity Available 13
18.5" Minnie Rose Pick X 19 - Pink/White
Event Pack Pillars Designed with efficiency in mind, unwrapped products ready for display right out of the box. 12 per case.
Material: Polyester Color(s): Comes in a variety of colors Dimensions: #3- 5/8"W x 25yds Manufacturer: Berwick Offray
Patrician Candles Premium Hand Dipped Made by Candle Artisans, Inc. Smokeless Drip less Self fitting end Sold as 12/box
Material: Polyester Color(s): Colors listed above Dimensions: 20"L w/18 stems Manufacturer: AA Importing